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Albert C. Baugh and Thomas Cable: A History of the English Language.

This is the fifth edition of a book, written originally by Albert Baugh and first published in 1935, with revisions by Thomas Cable. The book has been re-set after the fourth edition, also revised by Cable, though the changes are not dramatic. In his Preface Cable notes among the original book’s virtues ‘the full attention paid to the historical and cultural setting of the development of the language’; and he continues ‘This original emphasis has made it possible for subsequent editions to include discussions of current issues and varieties of English in ways that could not have been specifically foreseen in 1935. The fifth edition continues this updating by expanding the sections on African American Varnacular [sic] English and Hispanic American English, adding a section on Gender Issues and Linguistic Change, and incorporating small changes throughout.’ (p.xiii)

Seiten 206 - 208

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37307/j.1866-5381.2004.01.25
Lizenz: ESV-Lizenz
ISSN: 1866-5381
Ausgabe / Jahr: 1 / 2004
Veröffentlicht: 2004-04-01
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Dokument Albert C. Baugh and Thomas Cable: A History of the English Language.