• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2017

    Versions and Versioning: A Critical Archive of D. H. Lawrence

    Autor: Paul Eggert
    ...Versions and Versioning: A Critical Archive of D. H. Lawrence * By PAUL EGGERT Chicago Abstract: The essay gives an account of the dealings of the... ... to find or create an audience. Authors’ agents were just establishing themselves 1 See further Paul Eggert, Securing the Past: Conservation in Art... ... Literaturen, 253:2 2016 86 Paul Eggert predetermine, the kinds of interpretation that will be possible. Although an author-centred archive would seem... ... power without control of the archive, if not of memory”, pp. 10-11 n. 1 : see further Paul Eggert, “Brought to Book: Bibliography, Book History and the... ... und Literaturen, 253:2 2016 88 Paul Eggert Derridean case holds – but new, unexpected knowledge was palpably being produced. It was in the very air as... ... Boy in the Bush, ed. Paul Eggert Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990 . The novel is Lawrence’s rewriting in 1923 of M. L. Skinner’s novel “The... ..., 1989 . Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 253:2 2016 92 Paul Eggert process out of which much was achieved. Inoculation... ..., given a digital object identifier DOI – in effect, formally Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 253:2 2016 94 Paul Eggert... ... editions. 26 Paul Eggert Layola University Chicago peggert@luc.edu 26 Much of the thinking about the technical matters broached here has come from my... ... Cam - bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004 , pp. 1-18, 103-21. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 253:2 2016 84 Paul...
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  • eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2018

    Romantic Poetry, Technical Breakthrough and the Changing Editorial Role: The Charles Harpur Critical Archive

    Autor: Paul Eggert, Desmond Schmidt
    ...Romantic Poetry, Technical Breakthrough and the Changing Editorial Role: The Charles Harpur Critical Archive By PAUL EGGERT Chicago and DESMOND... ... development site is at . 2 Formal publication is planned for mid 1 Desmond Schmidt and Paul Eggert, ‘The Charles Harpur Critical Archive: A History and... ... of the project will lay the groundwork for more properly editorial and other interpretative endeavours, firstly by Paul Eggert as editor and as soon as... ... after his death. Its texts were the source of future anthologies and most Harpur collections until the 1980s. 4 See further Paul Eggert, “Charles Harpur... ... literary and other documents. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 255:2 2018 384 Paul Eggert, Desmond Schmidt designations on an... ... 2018 386 Paul Eggert, Desmond Schmidt sequence. Schmidt had found ways of mitigating the problem by searching for XML-TEI patterns of recording deletions... ... Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 255:2 2018 388 Paul Eggert, Desmond Schmidt The commentary, in the case of Harpur, will extend outwards to... ... promise of preservation of their contributions. Paul Eggert Desmond Schmidt Loyola University Chicago Queensland University of Technology... ... Technical Report’, forthcoming. Unavoidably there is overlap between the two reports but their differing emphases have warranted separate treatments. 2 Paul... ... Eggert is project leader and editor of the CHCA 2009– . Desmond Schmidt is the technical lead and programmer 2013– , and Meredith Sherlock served as...
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