• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2012

    D. H. Lawrence: Quetzalcoatl

    Autor: Christa Jansohn
    ... in the Textual Apparatus, are omitted. Bamberg CHRISTA JANSOHN 5 Cf. The Letters of D. H. Lawrence. Vol. IV: 1921–24, ed. Warren Robert, James T...

  • eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2012

    The Macclesfield Alphabet Book. A Facsimile

    Autor: Christa Jansohn
    ... sprung und der Funktion dieses ABC-Buches auf. Eine schönere Kombination kann sich der Mittelalterforscher kaum wünschen. Bamberg CHRISTA JANSOHN...

  • eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2012

    “A total of one million words”: Interview with Martin Hilskı by Christa Jansohn on the occasion of his translation of Shakespeare’s complete works

    Autor: Martin Hilskı, Christa Jansohn
    ...125 Kleinere Beiträge “A total of one million words”: Interview with Martin Hilskı by Christa Jansohn on the occasion of his translation of... ... his complete translation of the plays and poems by October 2015 for further information see: http://www.arsvivendi. 126 Martin Hilskı / Christa Jansohn... ... http://www.radio.cz/en/section/curraffrs/author-daniela-hodrova-and-translatormartin-hilsky-to-receive-top-czech-literary-awards. “A total of one million words”: Interview with Martin Hilskı by Christa Jansohn 127 When I was commissioned to translate A Midsummer Night’s Dream... ... performative function of language is an indispensable part of its meaning. What language does, to put it quite 128 Martin Hilskı / Christa Jansohn simply, is as... ... or quality of translations? “A total of one million words”: Interview with Martin Hilskı by Christa Jansohn 129 It varies from case to case. In many... ... Martin Hilskı / Christa Jansohn the only Czech I really know. I would have to learn 19 th Century Czech. It would be an artificial construct, not a natural... ... translations are almost always inaccurate. “A total of one million words”: Interview with Martin Hilskı by Christa Jansohn 131 16. In which area would you first... ... Bamberg MARTIN HILSKİ / CHRISTA JANSOHN...
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