• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2021

    Journal of a Plague Year: 6 Voices from the Humanities Worldwide. Part II

    Autor: Vladimir Andreev, Catherine Brown, Christa Jansohn, Julia Kuehn, u.a.
    ... article, include both positive and negative outcomes. Catherine Brown BA Cantab , MSc Lond , MA Lond , PhD Cantab studied English at Cambridge, then... ... essay “Literary Academia in Lockdown: Gains, Losses, and Risks,” Catherine Brown first summarizes the course of COVID-related lockdowns at her home... ... 2021 332 Catherine Brown 2. Literary Academia in Lockdown: Gains, Losses, and Risks By CATHERINE BROWN New College of the Humanities at Northeastern... ..., 258:2 2021 334 Catherine Brown Jonathan Coe novel, since the latter was born into a semi-virtual world, whereas to Cathy, Heathcliff and co., written... ... Literaturen, 258:2 2021 336 Catherine Brown admonishment being in any case more difficult when one can’t meet a student’s eyes, Zoom forcing a choice between... ... 338 Catherine Brown ethical unity. All of these things reduce the ability to resist, or even to form a coherent position in response to, ‘power’; the... .... Catherine Brown New College of the Humanities, London catherine.brown@nchlondon.ac.uk Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 258:2... ...Journal of a Plague Year: 6 Voices from the Humanities Worldwide. Part II By VLADIMIR ANDREEV Tula Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University , CATHERINE... ... BROWN New College of the Humanities at Northeastern, London , CHRISTA JANSOHN University of Bamberg , JULIA KUEHN Uni- versity of Hong Kong , STEFANIA...
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