• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2012

    Shakespeare’s Suffering Venus

    Autor: John Roe
    ...65 Shakespeare’s Suffering Venus By JOHN ROE University of York Abstract: Unlike continental versions of the Venus and Adonis story, which tend to... ... peare’s Venus and Adonis New York: AMS Press, Inc., 2000 , 171–96. 66 John Roe Adonis in a book of elegies and discourses with an Ovidian flavour he... .... Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1994 , pp. 315–24. 3 Mortimer, p. 173. 4 The Faerie Queene, II, 12, 77–84. 5 The Poems, ed. John Roe Updated edition... .... and ed. Jon Solomon, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2011 , III, 22–23, 380–407. 68 John Roe Boccaccio made the Urania Venus the goddess of procreativity not... ... him it seems only to be repeating Venus’s insensate possessiveness’ Shakespeare and Elizabethan Poetry London, 1965 , 63. 70 John Roe is that in such... ... famous Sicilian poet Theocritus, and translated into English verse. Oxford, Joseph Barnes, 1588. 72 John Roe Shakespeare’s Venus incorporates the... ... calendar. 19 The Pseudo-Theocritus specifies the ‘thigh’ l. 31 . 74 John Roe Compare her later description of the Boar: ‘On his bow-back he hath a battle... .... Shawcross, 2 vols. London, 1954 , II, 15. 76 John Roe point of crisis. Although we tend to think of Venus and Lucrece as in many respects the antithesis of... ... sazia homai, O nemica crudel d’ogni mia pace. Death, you who ruin all my good, and render 23 Torre, 117. 78 John Roe All my fair thoughts vain and false...
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  • eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2011

    The First Translations of Machiavelli’s Prince. From the Sixteenth to the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Roberto de Pol

    Autor: John Roe
    ... research project has had a highly successful beginning, and we can look forward with keen interest to its second stage. York JOHN ROE...

  • eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2013

    William P. Weaver: Untutored Lines: the Making of the English Epyllion

    Autor: John Roe
    ... can never be sufficiently plumbed. York JOHN ROE...

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