• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2008

    Neologisms and Non-Shakespearean Words in A Lover’s Complaint

    Autor: MacDonald P. Jackson
    ...Neologisms and Non-Shakespearean Words in A Lover’s Complaint By MACDONALD P. JACKSON University of Auckland Scholars arguing against Shakespeare’s... ... calculations, since it seems likely that the later article corrected mistakes in the earlier one. 290 MacDonald P. Jackson in this respect. 10 About... ... MacDonald P. Jackson Blessed be the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones. 17 The poem contains 28 words tokens and only three... ... prepared it for inclusion in the 1609 Sonnets Quarto. 294 MacDonald P. Jackson the Complaint and Troilus and Cressida both deal with deceitful lovers, and... ... Honor of MacDonald P. Jackson, ed. Brian Boyd Newark, NJ, 2004 , pp. 117–58. For the figure of 88 peculiar words and the range for 95 per cent of... .... 30 Ibid., p. 38. 31 Ibid., p. 45. 298 MacDonald P. Jackson teen Shakespeare plays they created eighty-two 3,000-word blocks of text and from the two... ... files on 20 November 2007. The references to T–E new word figures that follow are taken from these files. 300 MacDonald P. Jackson collaborations have... ... Shared Vocabulary”, Modern Language Review, 103 2008 , 621–38. A 302 MacDonald P. Jackson appear in Shakespeare’s acknowledged canon within the period... .... Hart’s tables lump A Lover’s Complaint and The Phoenix and the Turtle together with the Sonnets and probably The Passionate Pilgrim. 296 MacDonald P... .... Jackson The Phoenix and the Turtle 10 213 4.7 A Lover’s Complaint 61 952 6.4 Columns from left to right show a title of work, b number of peculiar words...
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