• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2013

    Britomart’s Meteorological Wound

    Autor: Rebecca Totaro
    ...Britomart’s Meteorological Wound * By REBECCA TOTARO Florida Gulf Coast University Abstract: When on 6 April 1580 an earthquake struck in the... ...; on the plague prayers, see Rebecca Totaro, The Plague in Print: Essential Elizabethan Sources, 1558–1603, Medieval & Renaissance Literary Studies... ... Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2010 . 44 Rebecca Totaro scholars of the early modern body, wonders, and the environment have broadened our perspective... .... 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London, 1580. 46 Rebecca Totaro updated Chronicles – significantly, published in 1580 – Thomas Churchyard added... ... 1580 , sig. B1v–B2r. 48 Rebecca Totaro Because it had literally shaken early modern English bodies, and just enough of them to become the talk of London... ...: University of California Press, 1995 , pp. 55–56. See also note 18, below. 50 Rebecca Totaro Arthur’s ability to bring down this titan is a product of his own... ... debates regarding the sacrament. See also note 13. 52 Rebecca Totaro insubstantial meteorological power that had set these giants in motion: nothing but hot... .... Schechner, Comets, 54 Rebecca Totaro The dragon is an overwhelming meteorological force, threatening humans with its tremors, scorching flames, and pestilent... ... cursing, civil war, and comets, see Rebecca Totaro, “Revolving This Will Teach Thee How to Curse’: Lessons in Sublunary Exhalation”, in: Rhetorics of Bodily... ... out of 56 Rebecca Totaro their homes, wondering what had caused the ground to move, and after, once generally it was concluded that there had been an...
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  • eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2013

    Medieval Medicine: A Reader. Ed. Faith Wallis

    Autor: Rebecca Totaro
    ... rich set of texts presented together. Florida Gulf Coast University REBECCA TOTARO...

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