• eBook-Kapitel aus dem Buch "Managing Risks in Supply Chains " aus der Reihe "Operations and Technology Management"

    Supply Chain Risk Management: Development of a Theoretical and Empirical Framework

    Autor: Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, Hagen Späth
    ... 3 Supply Chain Risk Management: Development of a Theoretical and Empirical Framework Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, and Hagen... ... Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, and Hagen Späth 4 result from the combination of complexity and risk management with supply chain... ... caused by socio-political, macroeconomic or technical changes Christopher, 2005 . Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, and Hagen Späth... ... the re- spective risk sources are out of their range and in many cases also out of their visi- Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, and... ... is rather accepted. To limit the ef- Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, and Hagen Späth 10 fects of an incident, Business... ... majority of companies from the indus- Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, and Hagen Späth 12 trial sector shares information only with... ...: Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, and Hagen Späth 14 4.1 Stage 1: Common risk management guideline for the supply chain The first stage... ... positive way. Wolfgang Kersten, Mareike Böger, Philipp Hohrath, and Hagen Späth 16 5 Conclusion Due to the changing market and environmental...
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