• eJournal-Artikel aus "MÜLL und ABFALL " Ausgabe 8/2006

    Bewertungs-System von Altdeponien in Brasilien

    Autor: D.Sc. Adriana Soares de Schueler, Prof. D.Sc. Pos-Doc Claudio Fernando Mahler
    ... Convention, some early control procedures, were taken by the agencies in charge, on aspects relating to environmental protection. Adriana Soares de Schueler... ..., Inc, v s .1–2, 1106 Seiten. in Spanisch . Anschrift der Autoren: Adriana Soares de Schueler Av Prof. Florestan Fernandes, 64 Bl 1 apt 703 Camboinhas... ... Soares de Schueler und Prof. D.Sc., Pos-Doc Claudio Fernando Mahler afterwards. Measures must be taken to diminish the production of leachate and monitor... ...---BRASILIEN--- Deponien Bewertungs-System von Altdeponien in Brasilien Assessment system of areas used for urban solid waste disposal D.Sc. Adriana...
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